Artefact Gallery
Chronological Overview
List by Architecture
List by Brand
List by Class
List by Operating System
List by Year
System Gallery
Number of computers in database: 396 (214 distinct, out of 249 known)
Number of other items in database: 189 (115 distinct)
Number of artefacts in database: 282 (68 distinct)
Grand total of items in database: 8416 (5305 distinct)
List by Architecture
List by Brand
List by Class
List by Operating System
List by Year
System Gallery
Number of computers in database: 396 (214 distinct, out of 249 known)
Number of other items in database: 189 (115 distinct)
Number of artefacts in database: 282 (68 distinct)
Grand total of items in database: 8416 (5305 distinct)
List by Class
List by Operating System
List by Year
System Gallery
Number of computers in database: 396 (214 distinct, out of 249 known)
Number of other items in database: 189 (115 distinct)
Number of artefacts in database: 282 (68 distinct)
Grand total of items in database: 8416 (5305 distinct)
List by Year
System Gallery
Number of computers in database: 396 (214 distinct, out of 249 known)
Number of other items in database: 189 (115 distinct)
Number of artefacts in database: 282 (68 distinct)
Grand total of items in database: 8416 (5305 distinct)
Number of computers in database: 396 (214 distinct, out of 249 known)Number of other items in database: 189 (115 distinct)
Number of artefacts in database: 282 (68 distinct)
Grand total of items in database: 8416 (5305 distinct)