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Peripheral Class

Type of peripheral:Storage
peripheral in this class:Sun StorEdge L1000
peripheral in this class:Sun StorEdge A3500
peripheral in this class:HP 9883A Paper Tape Reader
peripheral in this class:DEC HSZ22
peripheral in this class:DEC RL02
peripheral in this class:DEC TSZ07
peripheral in this class:Compaq MSA1000
peripheral in this class:Compaq MSA500
peripheral in this class:Compaq HSG80
peripheral in this class:Philips X1215
peripheral in this class:Brocade Silkworm 4100
peripheral in this class:Cipher M995S
peripheral in this class:PerSci 277
peripheral in this class:Unknown Magnetic Drum Memory
peripheral in this class:DEC RX02
peripheral in this class:EMC2 CX500
peripheral in this class:Wang 2280V0-3 Cartridge Disk Drive
peripheral in this class:Wang DS
peripheral in this class:DEC TZ887 Tape Library
peripheral in this class:Compaq TL891 Tape Library
peripheral in this class:Metrum RSP-2150 S-VHS Tapedrive
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