I won an eBay auction for three Philips P800 family minis with three cartridge disc drives, disc cartridges, lots of spare parts, and manuals including schematics. All for the incredible sum of 10 euros 75.

I saw the auction when it had 11 minutes left to go while I was on vacation (I'm a bit of an eBay junkie, although deals like this are becoming rare).


  • P856/P857 CPU box (blinkenlights w/toggle switches
  • 3 x P858/P859 CPU box (hex keypad with fluorescent display)
  • 2 x E2 6-slot expansion card cage
  • Boards:
    • 4522 107 62304 (unknown)
    • 5 x AMA-8A: Asynchronous line multiplexer
    • 2 x BIGD: Big disk controller (40/80MB CDC)
    • 2 x BIGD2A : Big disk controller
    • 4 x CDD Cartridge disk drive controller (X1215/X1216)
    • 2 x CP7R : P857R CPU for P858,P859 (2900 bitslice technology)
    • 3 x CP7RA : P857R/A CPU for P858,P859 (2900 bitslice technology)
    • 2 x CPB: P856 CPU (74181 ALU based)
    • CP7B: P857 CPU? (754181 ALU based)
    • CU-ADIOS (unknown)
    • 4 x F1MB: 8"  Floppy disk controller (modified for 5.25")
    • 3 x F1MB: 8" Floppy disk controller
    • F1MBY: Floppy disk controller
    • FLDB (unknown)
    • GPC: Custom card in point-to-point wiring technique
    • HLVCUB (Synchronous comunications card? Has 2 N8X300 microcontrollers on it, 2 SCN2652A serial controllers, and 2 26-pin connectors)
    • 2 x IOP: I/O Processor
    • K7S2: P833-152 Cassette Control Unit
    • 5 x M128E: 128Kx21 RAM
    • 2 x M128ES: 128Kx21 RAM
    • 6 x MCU2: Line printer, card reader control unit
    • 5 x MCU3: Paper tape, serial control unit (partially populated)
    • 2 x MCU3: Paper tape, serial control unit (fully populated)
    • MMU: Memory Management Unit
    • 3 x MTCU: Pertec 9 track magnetic tape control unit
    • 2 x MX (unknown)
    • SLCU2: Synchronous serial line control unit
    • TIMER CARD (unknown)
  • 1 x P833 triple cassette drive
  • 5 x Cassette drive
  • 2 x P830-010 dual 8" disk drive enclosure
  • 2 x CDC BR8A8A 8" floppy disk drive
  • 3 x X1215 2.5MB cartridge disk drive.
  • 23 x 14" disc cartridge, labels:
      old sources of release 01-10-8
    • DOM 210 & 211 for X1215
      update P800 testprograms
      27-09-'84 R.v.d.Heyden
    • DOM 811 adr/02 intr/11
      terminal adr/10 intr/6
      update test programs 27-09-84
    • X1215 IPL 63C2
      Testprograms update 85-12-18
      DOM9A/02 IT/10, DOM9C/02 IT/11
      Userid: SDAPRO
      s:$load (for running testprograms)
    • X1216 IPL 63C2
      Test programs update 85-12-18
      -DOM9 A/02 IT/10 FL/03 IT/11
      Userid: SDAPRO
    • CPU ISCOS 70
      4022 250 0004.1
      PAB nr 8122 141 0470.1
    • Graphics 8P-A
      4022 226 3470.1
      PAB nr 8122 141 0286.1
    • VIP V12
      4311 027 1629.1
      PAB nr 8122 141 0277.1
    • Ext Mem Mod 286
      4022 226 2340.1
      PAB nr 8122 141 0456.1
    • TP00 Test Pack
    • TEST TP1
    • Service pack 1
      various programmes
    • TRAINING 004
    • DISK Unit 1
    • P800 (X1215)
    • LAB Backup
    • 4 x PHILIPS unlabeled
    • 2 x CDC unlabeled
    • 1 x MEMOREX unlabeled
  • 13 8" Floppy Disks, labeled:
    • Tools : (LP)
      IPL ADDR: 60C5
      Monitor: type (?)
    • Rotterdam test system 29-03-'84
    • T. Wilders
      Test Software S.M.
      BMEX0 in TSWCOM module
      User: BMEX Start: $RUN
    • Very Special
      Utilities R1.0 83-06-01
      User: PRK300
    • Userid: TOOL Date 84.03.26
      Address of FL-Drives=03!!!
    • CP101 83.11.25
      Userid: SYS
    • RT Floppy
    • $TDES
    • Label: CP101 Date 84.01.10
      Userid: LUC
    • RS740 MAGAZIJN
      RUN "I"
      BASIC I
    • RS775
      CPU P857EB
      EPS 811118
    • RS776
  • Some boxes with spare parts
  • Cables
  • 16 Binders with manuals. It looks like there are some duplicates. My intention is to scan all of it for contribution to bitsavers:
    • P851M Volume 1 Central Processor & Memories Technical Manual (2x)
    • P851M Volume 2 Control Units Technical Manual (3x)
    • Preliminary P800M Interface And Installation Manual (P852M, P856M and P857M related) (2x)
    • P855M MIOS Drivers Users Guide
    • P856M/P857M CPU Service Manual
    • Reference manual P858, P859
    • Field Support Manual Extended Control Panel P858
    • Field support manual P859 Rack (M4R) & Power Supply
    • Field Support Manual Flexible Disc Control Unit (F1MZ) P830-150 PTS6751-002 Equipment Shelf P830-010 (2x)
    • Field Support Manual Flexible Disc Control Units F1MZA P830-150 PTS6751-002 F1MZ06 PTS6751-510 Equipment Shelf P830-010
    • Field Support Manual Flexible Disc Control Units MIFZ PTS6751-103
    • Field Support Manual Flexible Disc Control Units F1MB P830-050 PTS6849 F1MB06 PTS6849-501 Equipment Shelf P830-010
    • Field Support Manual Flexible Disc Drive 1M P830-025 PTS6791 P4500-035 P300
    • Preliminary X1215/16 Cartridge Disk Drive Unit
    • X1215 Cartridge Disk Drive Unit
    • Service Manual Flexible Disc Drive P830-015 PTS6867 PTS8861
    • Service Manual Flexible Disc Drive P3431 P830-005
    • Service Manual Flexible Disc Drive P3431 P830-006
    • Field Support Manual Control Unit For Serial Data Transfer (SCUZ) P845-140 PTS6859
    • Field Support Manual Synchronous/A-Synchronous Line Control Unit (SALCU-Z) P845-160 PTS6857 PTS8857
    • Field Support Manual Synchronous/A-Synchronous Line Control Unit (SALCU-Z) P845-160 PTS6857
    • Field Support Manual A-Synchronous Medium Speed Data Line Multiplexor (AMA8A) V24/V28 Interface P845-060
    • Field Support Manual A-Synchronous Medium Speed Data Line Multiplexor (AMA8C) TTL/Current Loop Interface P845-070
    • Field Support Manual Asynchronous Medium Speed Line Multiplexor Type Z (AMA4Z) P845-180 / Type V (AMA4V) PTS6741-001
    • Field Support Manual Multiple Asynchronous Control Unit (ASCU4Z) P845-145 PTS8853
    • Field Support Manual Central Processor Unit (P857EB) P854 PTS6925
    • Field Support Manual Central Processor Unit (CP1A) P853
    • Field Support Manual P853/P854 Racks (6U6/6U12) & Power Supplies
    • Field Support Manual P843-500/PTS8890-001
    • Field Support Manual Hand Held Control Panel P843-500/PTS8890-001
    • Field Support Manual Digital Extended Control Panel P843-510
    • Field Support Manual P843-120 Input/Output Processor (IOPZR)
    • Field Support Manual Eprom/Prom 16K Words Memory P851M-010 (2x)
    • Field Support Manual Reprogrammable Read Only Memory P851M-006 (1K) P851M-007 (2K) P851M-008 (4K)
    • Field Support Manual Dynamic Ram Memory 32K/64K (GMB1) P851M-016:16K/16 P851M-017:32K/16 PTS8221
    • Field Support Manual UPL Master Slave Memory 1M8 P4500-026/027 PTS8823
    • Field Support Manual MOS Memory Module 128K16 (WMD-16/27MC) P4000-24 PTS6773 P843-608
    • Field Support Manual P4000-24 (WMD) MOS Memory Module 128K16
    • Memory Test Program BBRAM applicable to semiconductor memories greater than 32KW
    • Test Program for CPU P854,P858,P859,CP1BF Test Of Memory Management Part REMMU1
    • Test Program for CPU P854,P858,P859 Test Of Page Fault Test Of Automatic Restart REPAF
    • Test Program for CPU P854,P858,P859,CP1BF Test Of Instruction Set CP57RE
    • FPPE Test Program EFPP1 Applicable To Floating Point Processor
    • Test Program For CP1BF,CP2B Test Of Memory Management Part MMU2B
    • Test Program For CP1BF,CP2B Test Of Page Fault Test Of Automatic Restart PAF2B
    • Test Program Release Notice Number 245
    • Binder "P800 Test Programs" with handwritten and typewritten test descriptions (Floppy, Pertec MTT, X/2/5, PTP, FHD, X1210, LP, CPU + OPTIONS, Cassette, Datacom, MIOS)


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  • This commment is unpublished.
    Maarten · 6 months ago
    The board starting with 4522 would be made by Philips Medical Systems. The Rotterdam reference may be relevant as there's a large academic hospital in Rotterdam, but that's just a guess. The other numbers suggest that the different minicomputers were used at different locations for different purposes, so likely only 1 medical system..

    4022 points to industrial equipment, 8122 points to use for their own production/factory equipment. All of those numbers with 3rd and 4th digit 22 point to Philips Netherlands. 4311 points to an (internal) French supplier.
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Maarten · 6 months ago
      @Maarten Of course industrial/production equipment could have also been internal to Philips Medical Systems, but they are located in Best and as far as I know didn't have a factory in or near Rotterdam.