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  • system



Company:TEP (TEP Elektronik)
Maximum memory size:64KB
Maximum number of CPUs:1
uses architecture:TMS9900
runs os:Eyring PDOS
can contain:TI TMS9900
System class:Industrial
Contains:TI TMS9900
  • boot
  • cpu
  • cru
  • decoder
  • fdc
  • floppy
  • in
  • la1
  • la2
  • mem
  • out
  • pdos
  • setup
  • testing

The TEP FTI990 is a rack-mounted system, consisting of several eurocards. Manufactured by TEP Elektronik Betriebs GmbH in Hambrug Germany in 1980. It consists of a CPU card (FTI990-CPU 1V/E) with a Texas Instruments TMS9900 CPU, two CRU cards (serial and parallel I/O, using a TMS9901 and a TMS9902), a digital 16-channel input card, a disigtal 16-channel output card, a memory card with 64 KB RAM (of which 56 KB is used) and 16 KB EPROM (of which 4 KB is used), and a floppy disk controller with two 5-1/4" DS/DD floppy drives (Philips X3114)

The EPROMs contain a bootloader for Eyring's PDOS (a multitasking disk operating system). After some repairs, the system is in working order, and runs PDOS. Eyring was a research institute in Provo, Utah, liaised with the Brigham Young University. It was this institute that spun off companies like Novell and WordPerfect.


A sample PDOS session is given below:

PDOS/101 R2.4c
..LS @
DISK=PDOSBACKUP/0                                      FILES=105/256
 0   $LPT          BN         1/1     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 0   $TTA          BN         1/1     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 0   $TTO          BN         1/1     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 0   $TTS          BN         1/1     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 0   HLPTX         TX        35/35    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 0   IN            SY         2/2     00:28 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 0   PDOS          AC         1/1     00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 0   PDTXT         TX        15/15    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 0   SY$STRT       AC         1/1     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 0   TEXT          TX         6/6     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 5   ADVENT        SY        68/68    00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 1   ALOAD         SY         7/7     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 5   AMAZING       EX        25/25    00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 1   ASM           SY        52/52    00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 1   BACKUP        SY         6/6     00:26 00/00/00  00:26 00/00/00
 5   BEAST         EX        39/39    00:26 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   BFIX          SY        20/20    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 5   BOA           EX        24/24    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 5   BULLS         EX        16/16    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   BURN302       SY        21/21    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   BURNP         SY         9/9     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   BXREF         EX        41/41    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   CHATLE        SY         7/7     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 5   CLOCK         EX        17/17    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   COMP          EX        19/19    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 5   CPOLY         EX        40/40    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   DDMAP         SY         9/9     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   DDUMP         SY         7/7     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   DISCAT        SY        10/10    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   DISCVER       SY         6/6     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 1   DNAME         SY         2/2     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 5   DRAG          EX        17/17    00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 3   DRGN          SY         5/5     00:27 00/00/00  00:27 00/00/00
 13  DUPE0         SY         4/4     00:27 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   EDIT          SY         9/9     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 40  ER3314        SY        24/24    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 5   EVAL          EX        21/21    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   FDUMP         SY         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   FIGFORTH      SY        36/36    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 5   FOOD          EX        46/46    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   FREE          SY         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 40  FRMT303       SY         4/4     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 40  FRMTW         SY         5/5     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   FSAVE         SY         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   GLOBAL        SY         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 5   HANGMAN       EX        19/19    00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 5   HANOI         EX         6/6     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 5   HPLOT         EX         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   IMP           SY         3/3     00:28 00/00/00  00:28 00/00/00
 1   INIT          SY         9/9     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 40  INIT307       SY         2/2     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   JED           SY        31/31    00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   JEDY          SY        28/28    00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   KILLM         SY         1/1     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LDIR          SY         8/8     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LEVEL         SY         5/5     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LIBGEN        SY         3/3     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LINK          SY        29/29    00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LOAD          SY         4/4     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   LOGO          SY         9/9     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 3   LPT           BN         1/1     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   MDUMP         SY         3/3     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   MEMTEST       SY         2/2     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 5   MERRY         EX         4/4     00:29 00/00/00  00:29 00/00/00
 1   MIAC          SY         2/2     00:29 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 1   ORDIR         SY         4/4     00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 5   OTHELLO       EX        39/39    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 1   PAUSE         SY         1/1     00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 1   PRINT         EX         5/5     00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 5   PUZZLE        EX        18/18    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODA        OB        29/29    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODB        OB        68/68    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODB2       OB        66/66    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODC        OB         5/5     00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODF        OB        10/10    00:30 00/00/00  00:30 00/00/00
 4   R$MODF2       OB         8/8     00:30 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 4   R$MODT        OB         9/9     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 4   R$MODT2       OB         8/8     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   RECOVER       SY        10/10    00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   RENUMB        EX        38/38    00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 5   ROBOT         EX        20/20    00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   SENDM         SY         1/1     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 5   SEX           EX         5/5     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   SHOW          SY         7/7     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 5   SNOOPY        EX        23/23    00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   SORT          SY         8/8     00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 5   STARTREK      EX        58/58    00:31 00/00/00  00:31 00/00/00
 1   SYFILE        SY         3/3     00:31 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 1   TERMINAL      SY         7/7     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 1   TRANS         SY        15/15    00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 3   TTA           BN         1/1     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 3   TTO           BN         1/1     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 3   TTS           BN         1/1     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 1   UPTIME        EX         7/7     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 5   WORM          EX        11/11    00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 4   XBUG          OB        44/44    00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 1   XEROX         EX         9/9     00:32 00/00/00  00:32 00/00/00
 1   BURNFTI       SY        21/21    09:31 04/14/85  09:31 04/14/85
 1   FRMTFTI3      SY        10/10    09:32 04/14/85  09:32 04/14/85
 1   LOADAMPL      SY C       5/5     09:50 04/14/85  09:50 04/14/85
 1   EMUTIBUG      SY         5/5     09:51 04/14/85  09:51 04/14/85
 0   JEDT                     0/1     00:00 00/00/00  00:00 00/00/00
 0   JEDB                     0/1     00:00 00/00/00  00:00 00/00/00
 1   THEO          TX         1/1     00:01 00/00/00  00:11 00/00/00
 1   NOP                     14/17    00:59 05/11/34  00:24 00/00/00

Internal links

TEP FTI990 Repair

TEP FTI990 Disk Emulation

Related articles

TEP FTI990 Repair
TEP FTI990 Disk Emulation
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