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Computer family

System class:Minicomputer
system in this family:DEC VAXstation 4000
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX II
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX III
system in this family:DEC VAX 4
system in this family:DEC VAX 4000
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX 3400
system in this family:DEC VAX-11/750
system in this family:DEC VAX 4000/100
system in this family:DEC VAX 4000/105A
system in this family:DEC VAX 4000/108
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX 2000
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX 3100
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX 3300
system in this family:DEC MicroVAX 3800
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